What is aging in place?

The need to understand and act on the urgent issues around keeping older adults in their homes, or “aging in place,” have never been greater.

Let’s look at the numbers to better understand the challenge of aging in place.

The latest national statistics on the growth of the elderly population is eye-opening.

The number of households headed by seniors will expand dramatically. Practically all household growth from 2020-2030 and most from 2030-2040 will be accounted for by seniors as Americans continue to age.*

Let’s look at some other numbers** that shed light on the circumstances…

34% by 2038

In the years ahead, the share of all US households age 65 and over will rise: from 26 percent in 2018 to 34 percent in 2038.

9% by 2028

The number of households age 80 and over will grow even more rapidly: rising from 8.1 million in 2018 to 12 million in 2028 to account for 9 percent of all households.

12% by 2038

By 2038, households age 80 and over will number 17.5 million and account for 12 percent of all households.

Why aging in place is important.


50% drop in African American homeowners

In East Palo Alto, African Americans represented 61% of the population in 1980. In 2022, that figure was closer to 11%. East Palo Alto has lost more than half of its African American homeowners since 2000.***


Fabric of our communitites

The average age of the homeowners we typically help in San Francisco’s Bayview is 65. They are retired teachers aides, nursing assistants, postal workers — all of whom own their own homes but who are also living on low fixed incomes.


Disproportionate impact of displacement

Home equity makes up 92% of African American homeowners’ personal net worth vs. 58% for white homeowners


Modifications are needed to help keep homeowners safe in their homes

1 in 3 adults aged 65 or older falls each year, and half of those falls occur at home, many resulting in serious injuries. Sometimes simple modifications — such as grab bars and handrails — can make a home safe.

Donate to support
aging in place

Your gift will help us sustain homeownership opportunities for more local, long-time residents who want to stay in their homes and in the communities they love.

Donate today

Homeowner standing in her garden with daughters

Give the gift of time

A truly impactful way for you to support aging in place is to sign up to volunteer for a shift with our home preservation program.

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Learn more about aging in place

Visit our blog, Home Truths, to learn more about aging in place, stemming displacement and how we can all support long-time residents in growing old where they grew up.

Read the blog

Homeowner with grand child

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